Mystic Visionary Artist, co-founder of CoSM, with my wife, artist Allyson Grey.
Sanctuary of Visionary Art
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, Entheon, 2021
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, Entheon, 2021
Recent Works
The Art of TOOL

Alex Grey's artworks bring together the tangible outer worlds investigated by scientists--full of molecules, bodies and stars--and the intangible visionary inner worlds-- full of light, shadow and spiritual beings--known mainly to mystics.

– Albert Hofmann
inventor of LSD

Grey's Sacred Mirrors are portraits of the human being in a universal sense, attempting to address every aspect of the body and spirit.

– Marcia Tucker
Founder and former Director of The New Museum, NYC

Alex Grey's paintings breathe new life into the deadened soul of modern consciousness. You will find in this work the intensity of someone who is not just doing his own personal art but is consciously participating in the evolutionary unfolding toward a more integral world.

– Suzi Gablik
author of Has Modernism Failed? and The Re-enchantment of Art
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